Friday, August 22, 2014

Kandinsky's Watercolors

Beginning art's first project is almost completed.  They are actually doing well.  I am trying to ease them into the idea of creating their own original art.  So, I saw this idea of using lines and shapes to emulate Kandinsky's style of art.  We had just spend a week on the elements of art.  So, this looked like a great way to use 3 elements and create a simple, and interesting work of art.

First I had the kiddos practice several types of watercolor techniques.  This is always exciting to them, they feel like they are painting, and it is not as messy or stressful as tempera paint.  The always LOVE the crayon resist technique and go crazy for it.

I then show them my project overview PowerPoint and have them write down the criteria in their class notebooks.  They had to include 3 different shapes, 3 different types of lines, 2 different qualities of lines, 3 different watercolors and 2 different techniques.  They then create a rough draft based off of these criteria and the examples of Kandinsky's work and well as the teacher example.    

I need to approve their rough draft, and I give them the final draft paper. They then draw their design and outline it all in sharpie.  Before they are allowed to paint, I pair them up and have them expansible the techniques to their partner from their practice paper.  This is a great way to review, and I have to do little talking, which means they will probably listen and learn better.  We all know when the teacher talks it can turn into "Wa wa wa wa".  

Students then paint their final draft.  They are encouraged to work on the painting over multiple class periods, so they can layer the colors without bleeding of the color.  Towards the end of the project, I review the rubric with them, so they can adjust to get the best grade possible.  The final step is a peer critique.  To allow them to look at other's artwork, but in a fairly nonthreatening way.  They write an "Oreo" review - one good thing, one critique,another good thing.  This gives the artist feedback and allows the critic a chance to constructively look at art and write about it.

All in all, it is a fairly successful project and it is just shapes, color and line.  And it shows the beginning art kids, that art is not scary and can be fun.

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